Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Treatment Plan......

What you gonna do about it?

Well three plans were drawn up by the orthodontist and his assistant. I just had to choose which one.

Plan A; Surgery to brake my jaw pull it forward and cure the overbite. Then a brace.  X
Plan B; Remove some teeth and have a brace for the next 2 years.   
Plan C; Do nothing

Plan B it is at a total cost of £4305. Not cheap when I had braces on the NHS as a teenager.

Wonky front tooth
mangled mess of my bottom teeth
The lower metal train track I had kept popping off, and the dentist at the time didn't seem all that bothered by the mangled mess my bottom teeth were left like. This was caused by severe overcrowding in my small lower jaw. The top were left vaguely straight but with a wonky front tooth. With the pushing through of my wisdom teeth in my twenties my over-jet was pushed further out.
Overbite 11mm

So the treatment plan of my new orthodontist is hopefully going to resolve all this. It involves at least 12 visits to the dentist in the next 2 years but maybe quicker depending on how I get on with the new brace. I'm opting for Damon clear braces. As an adult its rubbish enough having to have braces so this system is clear and will hopefully reduce the noticeability of having to have train tracks again.

The options 
To cure the overbite i am having the SXLA4 removed on each side at the top and my teeth pulled back with the brace to fill the gap. if you have a large overbite and the dentist says to take some teeth out, have it done!

Face profile with overbite 11mm
On the bottom I'm having my SSXL8 (wisdom tooth) removed on both sides as I have so much overcrowding, and then the brace to spread the arch and straighten then up.

So. my first appointment is next week to have the wisdom teeth removed. I have never had any teeth out before so I am dreading it. But its the start of the journey.....

Oi Smile it might never happen......

Oi Smile it might never happen......

I hear this all the time, its very boring. I cant smile! I have two looks if I try too.
Smile 1
The Duckface

Smile 2

The Rabbitface

So you can see these teeth need correcting so I can smile like a normal person. 

I had my yearly check up with the dentist and after complaining about the pain in my jaw from my wisdom teeth trying to push through into an already crowded lower jaw he suggested I saw the orthodontist.

So a few weeks later I was back for my smile makeover consultation, where a treatment plan and estimate were put together, in order for me to achieve a semi decent smile. These guys cant work miracles so you have to be realistic, but anything is going to be better than the duck/rabbit combo!

Monday 23 February 2015

Oi Brace Face!

Oi Brace Face

So I can't smile. I don't know how to do it.  I need to cover my bottom teeth that are wonky, and my top teeth jet out, so smiling I look like a rabbit, its not flattering or attractive. Don't get me wrong not smiling has its benefits, I am now 30 and I still get asked for ID. I have no wrinkles and still look young.But as my friends and family are beginning to get married I suppose I am going to have to smile in their wedding pictures.

J Hook Hear gear
I have had a braces before which makes it all the more annoying that I'm having to have another one, this time at a hefty private cost. 

As a 11 year old I had my first brace. It was a solid mass of metal and wires and rubber bands and head gear. As you can imagine school was a nightmare. Brace Face, metal mouth, jaws, and another million insults were hurled at me during the school day. At night you clamp yourself into your head gear like something out of a horror movie and live through the pain of your jaw and teeth being ripped apart.  
 This video isn't me as I had my brace before YouTube even existed! But this is how it looked at night and in the NHS beige colour of the picture above.
I have an overbite of 11mm and this gear was designed to stop my top jaw from growing in order for my lower jaw to catch up. This might work if you have a small overbite of 4mm. (The ideal is between 2mm and 4mm). But for mine this would never have worked and what should of happened is what I'm now having to pay privately to have done. So if you have an over bit thats bigger than 4mm and your orthodontist suggests headgear tell them NO!!!

What you can have done is have two of your teeth removed and your front teeth pulled backwards to fill the gap reducing the overjet. 

In my next blog I'll tell you more about what I'm having done to fix my smile.