Wednesday 27 July 2016

Oi Brace Face... Wheres your Brace?

So today was D-Day... Dentist Day and the first day I can smile with confidence.

I got to the orthodontist a little early as I was excited to get my braces off. I was quoted 18-24 months and its only been 14 so I am really pleased.

For the last few visits Ive had the bar bent and put back in to move one or two teeth slightly until the orthodontist was happy with them. The gap has filled in, and this has been helped along by overties. Its like fishing wire thats wound round the brackets and twisted tighter, along with  power chains which are little elastic bands that are joined together.

Then I had to decide whether or not to have the fixed retainer or not, I spoke to a lot of people, its surprising the amount of people who have them, and the orthodontist has guaranteed it for a year, if anything goes wrong its free to fix. So I went with them and had the mould taken for the wire on my last visit four weeks ago.

Today the first Job was to attach the fixed retainer behind the top and bottom teeth. this was done while my Damon All Clear Brace was still in place. It feels a little odd essentially its a metal bar glued to the back of your front teeth and its feels like the brackets and bar thats on the front, I am sure you just get used to it.

Next came the removal of the Damon system. this took a while and was a little painful at times when the brace was tightly bonded on and the tooth a little sensitive to being bitten down on. but I survived! The teeth were then cleaned and polished and the big reveal was nigh.

I am so Happy!!!! I am no longer a girl in her Thirties with a brace! (well one you can see!) I can smile!

They are straight... The overbite is reduced to a normal gap and the bottom teeth are amazing!

Last of all I had the moulds taken for the Vivera retainers from Invisalign. I collect these in a couple of weeks and start the teeth whitening process.

I have this man to thank.

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